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Modern Warfare story line 3

Activision did not give details on the Modern Warfare story line 3, but through a video that was circulating gamers can already guess, like what this game later. There are several scenes in the video berurasi 2 minutes of it. Starting from the ruins of the city of New York, until the shootout at various places. The video is even slightly indicate 2.berikut world war is guessing storyline in Modern Warfare 3. ...

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Hellgate is back

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DiRT 3 will boast more cars, more locations, more routes and more events than any other game in the series, including over 50 rally cars representing the very best from five decades of the sport. DiRT 3 delivers mud, sweat and gears world over: from the intense weather-beaten rally stages of Europe, Africa and the US, to executing performance driving showcases and career challenges where car control is pushed to spectacular limits.

 Activision did not give details on the Modern Warfare story line 3, but through a video that was circulating gamers can already guess, like what this game later.

There are several scenes in the video berurasi 2 minutes of it. Starting from the ruins of the city of New York, until the shootout at various places. The video is even slightly indicate 2.berikut world war is guessing storyline in Modern Warfare 3.

This game starts from the end of the Modern Warfare 2 Cliffhanger when American soldiers berjuan to prevent a surprise attack from Russia. Adventure single player will shuffle the players around the world by doing a dual role as agents of the Russian Federal Protection Service, SAS Operative, a tank gunner, and AC-130 gunner and a key character in the previous version and some new characters. This game will feature around 15 missions, beginning with the invasion of Manhattan by Russian troops and ending with the final battle in Dubai.

In single-player campaign this 3 Modern Warfare, will bring most of the unanswered questions and the fate of the characters who have appeared on two previous versions of Modern Warfare, as well as introduce new characters that seem destined for a future game of Modern Warfare, mainly two corps member of Delta Force, the initials "Frost" and "Sandman". While there are many maps for multiplayer that can be played with two types of ops mode, the "Survival" and "Mission".

 Activision did not yet sure when this series will be launched, but it certainly would be very awaited pecintanya. Just imagine, the last series which has issued the Call of Duty: Black Ops, which was developed by Treyarch sold more than 7 million copies in just 24 hours since its release, and reached total sales of $ 1 billion in six weeks